What People Are Saying

  • “So many people struggle with so many different things in silence. When you start opening up and talking to people, you realize how far from unique your experience actually is. Just knowing that you're not alone brings a good bit of comfort. Your podcast does that.”

    — Chantal L.

  • “It's amazing! I got extreme goosebumps and the hairs all over my body stood up. It definitely brings up a lot of emotion, but what you're doing needs to be done.”

    — Barb H.

  • “It's necessary to hear from both the male and female side of things. It will appeal to the tough guys who are refusing to acknowledge what is going on with themselves.”

    — Marc R.

  • "My heart stopped and I was holding my breath. I feel like I was hearing you speak to my soul."

    — Caroline R.

  • "Support for others. Made me feel better already."

    — Jamie A.

  • "It felt like a therapy session."

    — Anonymous

  • "5 stars - Thank you for creating these podcasts. Hearing brothers and sisters sharing their stories makes me feel less alone and is helping remove the ever present stigma surrounding this topic within emergency services."

    Kajor17 via Apple Podcasts - Canada - 04/14/22

  • I just listened to part one with Dave Robertson and wow. You and he both put into words that hellish journey down to suicidal ideology and back...and that you can still think of it even tho you've made your decision and that option is off the table. It was amazing to hear people describe it so well and in a way understandable for those that have never balanced on the razor as you say.

    — Brendan H.